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More Than Just Memories

Following the story of Tony and Sheila as they navigate through their emotional journey.​


BBC Southeast News


The BBC Southeast News team wanted to experience and capture what Ivy means to its clients,

especially during the pandemic period where all other support services seemed to disappear...

Here is another chance to see all of our wonderful clients shining bright on the BBC.




There is no prevention or cure for dementia so finding a way to live with it is essential.

Ivy House are proud to have been a part of this Channel 4 commission in 2015 which shares the lives of four couples who have navigated life living with dementia and who used Ivy House as their source of support.


We remember the four wonderful husbands George, Derek, Vic and Mike who took part in this filming, may you rest in peace.


Watch the episode, aptly titled “Marriage”or contact Ivy House and we would be happy to provide you with a DVD.


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